

Crease pattern

An animal in the year of the sheep

The sheep is based on a traditional pig. It is a bit complex to make the head.

An interesting detail is the method that simulates wool by crumpling the large mid segment, and only that.

The folding

1. Mark centre of the two sides.

2. Fold the other two sides to the centre.

3. Fold in two corners.

4. Bisect the angles.

5. Unfold the corner.

6. Zig-zag the corner inside.

7. Fold the points out as legs.

8. Mark a X in the other end.

9. Now you might unfold, crumple the large centre segment to resemble wool, and collapse the model again.

10. Mark across.

11. Mark the angle bisection.

12. Push the crease inside. The model is no longer flat.

13. Fold the flap flat out.

14. Repeat the two previous steps.

15. Narrow the legs, the middle swivels down.

16. Fold behind, will colour change the legs.

17. Fold the corners in.

18. Fold the side over. The model becomes flat again.

19. Fold the corner between the leg point and the nose.

20. Fold back and inside.

21. Swivel nose and head to the other side.

22. Fold the corner between the leg point and the nose.

23. Fold back and inside.

24. Angle bisection. The nose will stick up.

25. Angle bisection in the other side. The nose will be flat again.

26. Angle bisection, proceeds inside the head.

27. Push the side of the head inside.

28. Fold the leg flat back and out orthogonally to the spine.

29. Narrow the legs.

30. Fold the head back along hidden edge.

31. Fold new curve and open the head along with that. The model is no longer flat.

32. Fold tail sides to the spine proceeding out to natural corner. The model startes to close together at the back end.

33. Push the model softly together along the spine, at the same time the tail is closed in the opposite direction.

34. New viewpoint, from the side. The spine should be broad and round. Inside reverse fold the tail backwards.

35. Outside reverse fold the tail down.

36. Push the broad spine towards the tail.

37. Flatten the forehead.

38. Push the top of the head forwards, and narrow the head. Shape the ears.

39. Shorten the nose. This and the previous steps are important to capture the correct expression of 'sheepiness'.

40. Adjust the shape so that the neck is smooth and round, the legs point straight down, etc.

41. Baahhh!


**** Created from a traditional pig.
Hans Dybkjær