The first post in the new year 2020 (to me that sounds like the far future). Today we will make a highly decorative application of origami: the cushion fold.
They are more often used with pin-cushions, but look great on a couch as well.
Origami-wise it is mostly known as a blintz, i.e. folding all corners to the centre. Or in this case, a double blintz, i.e. blintz, turn over, blintz again. That is basically a fortune teller which we have all met in the kindergarten. The only unusual thing is that we start from a circle for the cushion fold.
For sewing the cushion we need more materials and tools than usual in origami, but it really isn’t difficult. Only straight standard stitches and three button holes are needed. The recipe:
- A square cushion. 40 cm x 40 cm. One side and the four corners will be visible.
- Two pieces of fabric with a matching pattern. Two times the cushion width plus seam allowance. 83 cm total in both directions.
- Matching sewing thread.
- A matching button.
- Optional: Vliesofix 80 cm x 80 cm. This is a thin material with glue on both sides, used to stabilise the two layers of fabric. Melted on the fabric using an iron.
The materials: two pieces of cotton fabric, a cushion, thread, button, and vliesofix (the white roll). Tracing paper is also used, but will not be part of the cover. The ugly cushion. No, it’s not broken, the sequins can turn both ways. But it was cheap. It must be square. Most of the tools. An iron and an ironing board are also important. Fold the paper in both directions and draw a quarter circle. The radius is the width of the cushion. If your measuring tape has a hole at the end, it is easy to make the circular mark. Cut out the circle. The crossing crease lines will be used later. Transfer the circle to the vliesofix. Cut out the vliesofix circle. Iron the vliesofix to the back side of one piece of fabric. Pin the two fabric pieces together, front-front. Mark the seam allowance – the small orange markers. Use the measuring tape, 1.5 cm. Cut out through both layers. Remove the backing paper of the vliesofix to reveal the other side of glue. Sew along the vliesofix circle using straight stitches. Make sure to leave a hole, 3-4 times the seam allowance. Since the seam curves and will go on the inside, make small incisions. Pull the cover out through the hole. The hole must be closed. Stitch the hole using small stitches on the inside layers only. Closed hole. Iron the other side to smooth the fabric and to attach the vliesofix to that fabric side as well (remember, the vliesofix is on the inside now). Finally: Ready to origami fold. Use the tracing paper for reference – the crossing crease lines are highlighted. All four “sides” folded in. The outer rim forms a square. Iron the folds sharply. Place the cushion on the back side and pull the four corners around to the front centre. Attach a button to one corner, and make button holes at the other three. The button is attached at the very tip of the folded corner. Cut out the button hole. Front. Back. The finished cushion in the couch. The back of the cushion. The workplace needs cleaning up